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The hardest question for most people is when to sell.

You don't want to lose out on the peak of the market.

You don't want to make an emotional decision, you want to make a financially sound one.

Do you need to remodel first? How do you

maximize your sales price?

There are so many people trying to give you advice, who do you listen to? Friends and family? Neighbors? HGTV?

Maybe you've been compulsively watching your zestimate and wondering if Zillow knows the answers.

Lumina can help you find the answers. Lumina can help you plan. Lumina will give you peace of mind.

Modern Kitchen
Taking the Key

Want to know what your property is worth? 

You can text me at (801) 319-7932 or you can book an appointment for $10 for a more thorough estimate.

The $10 cost of your appointment will be donated to a charity building refuges for victims of human trafficking.

Home Buying Utah

Home Selling Utah

Luxury Homes Utah

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